Work solo, earn on your own.

Introvert-powered income.

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If you’re like me, a lazy introvert who always “dares” to dream of having a “really good” life.

Let me explain what that means in this context:

  • Working less than 4 hours a day (on some fine days, I simply do not work, at all…)
  • Doing ONLY the work that I’m passionate about during those 4 hours
  • Having time for hobbies and staying with loved ones
  • Maintaining excellent mental health and minimizing toxic people and substances in life
  • Enjoying good health and staying in shape (I aim to have healthy bones so I can walk on my own until my last day)

If this resonates with you, welcome to my website. My passion and mission is to help people, especially introverts, create a happy life by:

  1. Automating most disliked tasks using tech (mostly AI and no-code automations) with minimal outsourcing
  2. Teaching and helping you revisit, rethink, and redesign your current workflow to generate 2x or even 10x results with the same effort, reducing your working time by 50-80% and giving you an extra 24-86 hours per week for family, friends, workouts, and relaxation
  3. Shifting and correcting common introverted mindsets that have been limiting introverts’ maximum potential, as smart people often unconsciously prevent themselves from achieving success
  4. Teaching you to lead a healthier life, see doctors less often, correct common health problems, and get in “beach” shape more easily with knowledge and habit hacks


Why trust me? Here’s my short story:

I was born and live in a third-world country with a low quality of life. Even the sidewalks are unsafe, with uneven tiles and obstacles. Most people commute 1-2 hours to work, as cars are expensive and public transportation is limited and overpriced. This vicious cycle continues for years, with less than 2% finding a better way.

Working from home is a game-changer here, but I’ve achieved even more. I work less than 4 hours a day without worrying about my finances. While not yet “rich,” I’m among the happiest 3% in my country due to my self-created lifestyle.

Before my son was born, I spent my free time napping, gaming, watching Netflix, making music, working out, and enjoying life. Now, as a parent, I cherish experiencing my son’s childhood, which is a one-time event.

Your 9-to-5 job might not be as miserable, but it can still drain your soul. As an introvert, you may prefer working for yourself in your “cave” without worrying about colleagues or bosses. You want to do what you want, where you want, and work with ideal customers who don’t cause trouble.

The good news is that achieving this freedom-based lifestyle is easier than you think. I have plans and steps for you, like choosing a class in an MMORPG game. The only requirement is being an expert (intermediate level) in at least one topic.

We’ll be selling digital products online,

which is the fastest and best way to achieve your desired life:

  • No shipping required, just a laptop and internet
  • Create once, sell forever (> 90% margin)
  • Work wherever you want
  • Customers receive instant gratification

However, not just ANY digital product will do. Forget creating numerous products for platforms like Etsy; it takes too much time and effort to reach $5,000 per month, and you risk being banned.

There are specific types of digital products that are much easier to generate $5,000 per month in recurring revenue with > 80% profit. Let’s learn to create those.

Welcome to the tribe, my introverted friend. Let’s embrace our introversion and live peacefully, spending our time—our #1 asset—as we truly desire.


I'm Sipher Lee, a lazy introvert turned lifestyle hacker. I work < 4 hours a day doing what I love, and I'll teach you how.

My mission

I'm a tech-savvy introvert who escaped the 9-5, and my mission is to help you do the same! Let's ditch the grind and design a freedom-based life through tech, smart workflows, and healthy living. I'll help you automate tasks, optimize your work, and find more time for the things that truly light you up. Ready to design your dream life? Join the tribe!

Start here 👇🏻

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Introverted? Want more freedom? Let's build your dream life